Sunday, April 22, 2012

NiNe BoOkS iN fOuR dAyS

Wow, I read 9 books in four days and I have to say.... WOW! I know I should be studying for my final exam for my TECA 1354 but I have a need to read.

1 Insurgent
2 Tiger LiLLy
3 The Raft
4 Insignia
5 The selection
6 The False Prince
7 Arise
8 Die for Me
9 Ender Game

All their reviews are on GOODREADS.COM under vovo2013. so come out and sign up for your account with good reads...

Friday, April 20, 2012

Good bye dear Roth...

Veronica Roth was at blue willow bookshop on friday at 7pm. She was also here at TLA given away insurgent her second book.  She is one of the more lay back authors. Roth is a really fun and easy to talk to authors. Her personality is truelly in her writing style... Thank you very much for come to houston,texas. I hope you(Roth) have a safe journey home! I will be praying and thank you for everything.

ThE eNd Of TlA....

It was the end of T.L.A. and I was very sad that they had to go! I woke up around four in the morning destine to get DREAMLESS from Harper teen Collins Publisher! I was very happy, it really pay off. Donating the books to Texas Children's Hospital was very rewarding. If you and ANY body who has children books or young adult books and do not want them... Please give them to TEXAS CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL!!!!!! (Level 16 to the right and first door on the right side.) They are in need of a lot of books for the children.... Candlewick people who was working the booth was mean about the donation and MADE me pay for the three books that I gave to T.C.H.! Thanks to everybody who HELP me get the books for T.C.H. and of course the authors who sign the books.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

dAy TwO aT tLa!!!!

It was Teen Book DAy at TLA and the place was PACK to the max. To my surprise Veronica Roth gave copies of INSURGENT, Kristian Cashore was giving out BETTERBLUE and Lauren Kate was given out Rapture. These three books are very HOT right now in the young adult book world. There was a lot of laid back teens from all across TEXAS. I even saw some of my old librarians that I went to school at. I got a bag and a half full of ARC books. The food I ate today was the beef fajitas Nachos with EVERYTHING on it expect spicy items. It was wonderful and better then the BBQ, I had yesterday. I gave it a four star rating for the food overall value.

Tomorrow is going to be the last day of TLA and the Publishers are going to be Given Away ALL the books they have and it is going to be like WAR at George R. Bown Convention Center...  getting all these FREE BOOKS!!! It is going to be fun and exiting all at the same time. Tune in for some more updates to come tomorrow!

Suprise at TLA!!!

Veronica Roth gave out arc on insurgent, cashore, kristain bitterblue arc and rapture arc from lauren kate! I told u free books at tlc.... U r missing out because it is worth ur time.... Miss work or school next time!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day ONE of TLA

So, I was at TLA for the first time and had a great time. You know why???? Because, I have THREE BAGS FULL of FREE yes I said it right FREE books (Advance Reader Copy also know as A.R.C.) from tons of publishers. I am really exited to read them and do the reviews on them. Also, on DAY TWO tomorrow there is going to be A LOT more FREE books for TEENS! Yes, my area of specialty. The parking was great only $12 and I had a up close parking space.The food was 3stars(Sausage, beans"Sweet" and something they called Potato Salad!) That was hell of NOT a potato Salad people..... it look more like a potato iceberg salad! They need to get a food change at that place! Anyways you want free books then go to a Library Conference like America Library Conference, Texas Librarian Conference and more..

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

TLA here in Houston,Texas!!!

Over the next couple of days Wednesday - Friday.... I will be posting alot from the Texas Library Association Convention here at George R. Brown Convention center. I only have a three day exabitious pass that cost $20 no tax at all. I am exited to go and meet some new and old authors expecally Veronica Roth! I will see her twice this week at TLA and at Blue Willow Bookshop. She is the author of Divergent and Insurgent. She is the best and amazing author I have ever meet and just lover her books to death... Oh my.... I could go on and on about her and her book. The way she write to tell her storie... Man, I can't wait to see her.

Teen Book Con

Teen Book Con was held at Aleif Taylor High School this past Saturday. Over 25 or more authours took their time out of there busy work to come and express their latest cretion. I had the honor of having all the authors sign my journal and took some silly pitures to post on my blog. This was free to the public and was very cheap food. The way the Taylor Hgh School handled it was very calm and relaxing. I really had a great time and can't wait for the next one next year. Pitures are to come! I am still figuring out how to put them in this account. Please bare with me.